
Useful Data Link

  1. Indian [Census Data]
  2. Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI, [National Data Archive]
  3. The India Human Development Survey [IHDS Data]
  4. The National Family Health Survey [NFHS]
  5. Longitudinal Ageing Study in India [LASI]
  6. Reserve Bank of India [Database on Indian Economy]
  7. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. [Data]
  8. The EPWRF India Times Series [EPWRFITS]
  9. Indiastat [Data]
  10. World Development Indicators [Data Bank]
  11. World Bank Enterprise Surveys [WBES]
  12. The Global Findex Database [Data]
  13. India Water Resources Information System [Data]
  14. Survey of India [Data]
  15. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics [ICRISAT]
  16. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujrat Migration Survey [Data]

Useful Software Link

  1. R: Statistical Computing [Download]
  2. QGIS [Download]