Understanding Depression Risk in Migrants: The Role of Age at Migration and Functional LimitationsSixth Asian Population Conference, Tribhuvan University, Nepal [Bittu Mandal]

Gender-Specific Determinants of Overweight and Obesity among Older Adults in IndiaXXVI IIPS National Seminar, Banaras Hindu University, India [Bittu Mandal]

Presented a paper at the XXVIII IIPS National Seminar 2024 organized by Department of Statistics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University during 12-13th February 2024. Measuring Inequality Between Migrant and Non-migrant People and Its Determinants: Evidence from Sectoral decomposition analysis of Uttar Pradesh, India. [Vijay Kumar]

 Presented a paper at the 64th The Indian Society of Labour Economics Annual Conference organized by the School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, Telangana during 29-31st March 2024.  Measurement and Determinants of Economic Inequality for Migrant and Non-migrant People: Evidence from Regional Decomposition Analysis of Uttar Pradesh, India. [Vijay Kumar]

Presented a paper at the 58th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) organised by Tripura Central University during February 22-24th, 2024.  Socioeconomic and Demographic determinants of financial inclusion in developing economies: Empirical evidence from South Asian countries [Sumit Kumar]

Mapping the Global Landscape: Trends, Determinants and Regional Dynamics of Female Labor Force Participation SHSS Research Symposium 2024,School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, 30th April, 2024. Indore (India) [Meghna]
Re-examining the U-shaped Feminization hypothesis and Determinants of the Female Labor Force Participation: Empirical evidence from Global Sample64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, University of Hyderabad, 30th  March 2024. [Meghna]

Assessing the district-level flood vulnerability in Bihar, eastern India: an integrated socioeconomic and environmental approach. in the School of
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Symposium
, April 29-30, 2024, at IIT, Indore, India. [Guru Dayal Kumar]


A Comparative Study of Health Outcomes between Elderly Migrant and Non-Migrant 2nd Online Health Geography Symposium for PhD and Emerging Researchers [Bittu Mandal]

Association of Duration of Urban Residence and Obesity in Indian Rural-to-Urban Migrants 44th Annual Conference of IASP, NIT Rourkela [Bittu Mandal]

Migration Status, Mobility Impairment, and Associated Self-Rated HealthPopulation Association of Singapore 2023 Annual Meeting, National University of Singapore [Bittu Mandal]

Deep Learning Forecasting: An LSTM Neural Architecture based Approach to Rainfall and Flood Impact Predictions in Bihar, India in the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering, Nov 23-24, 2023, at UPES, Dehradun, India [Guru Dayal Kumar]